Saturday, 10 March 2007

Why Gamble

We Gamble every day with different decisions being made. If you stick to the rules and work within a system it is possible to make money on a regular basis. You do not have to lose your shirt to play in this game.

Don't buy any manuals or programs until you have read my blog, it will enlighten You to make money, slowly at first but it will increase to a large amount over the course of a year.
Please take the time to study the findings that I have successfully used in my Gambling systems, before you jump in and start to put your hard earned money in the bookies hands, after all they get enough already.

I was told as a lad by my parents never to gamble it was a fool's pastime, you would ruin your life and be always poor. Well most of my adult life I worked to this rule, but that was until I realised that Gambling was going on all around me every day. My pension fund was Gambled on the stock market, in stocks and shares which sometimes went up and sometimes down and my scheme pay large fee's for people to pick the best shares for the best return value investing this is Gambling.
But recently there has been bad press because pensions have not performed very well they have made bad bets.

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